Timeshare accommodation is situated in four separate camps:

Modjadji Camp
Sunset Hill (Part of Modjadji Share Black)
Bush Lodge
Mabula Game Lodge
Each camp offers a swimming pool and game drive collection points

Game drives in an open game-viewing vehicle with an experienced ranger.
Cost of game drives depends on the accommodation purchased. A typical two-bedroom unit will include 24 game drives per week. (Additional game drives are available but must be paid for extra)
  Walking trails on separate routes - maps may be collected at the Wildlife Centre
Recreational facilities include:

Swimming pools (at each camp)
Tennis courts (at the Lodge and Modjadji)
Mabula Lodge offers all the convenience of an upmarket lodge with Restaurant,
  Ladies Bar, Boma, Conference facilites etc.
Curio shop
Superette for everyday purchases
Landing strip

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